Zakynthos General Hospital "Saint Dionysios"

Building Infrastructure

Architecture Structure
The hospital building is organized in four levels (ground floor, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor), where  the various functional departments are sited and two more levels (basement and 4th floor) where E/M installations are located.
The hospital building is consisted of:

  • A large ground, where all operational departments are sited.
  • A smaller first floor in which the operations departments and the management is located.
  • Two identical floors, the 2nd floor and the 3rd floor where hospitalization is hosted.
  • In the 4th floor and the basement for the needs of the E/M installations.
  • There is also an individual energy building sited for the other E/M facilities, and EMS.

Location of components per level

The location of the components of the project and their beneficial area listed in the following table.

Operation Type Surface (sq.m.)
Outpatient Clinics 721,79
Biological materials diagnostic laboratories 385,73
Diagnostic Illustration laboratories 420.97
Blood donation department 196,63
Entrances 291,19
Dialysis Unit 378,10
Emergencies 698,33
Short hospitalization 69,03
Psychiatric Sector Nursing unit 203,15
Nursing unit 196,47
Pharmacy 106,21
Central sterilization 132,26
Kitchen 279,14
Laundry 154,26
Community medicine 27,55
Patient Accounting 53,82
Common Spaces 167,54
Interdepartmental Circulation 384,65
Vertical E/M Facilitiy channels 27,28
Concierge 9,81
Staircases-Elevators 28,90

Operation Type Surface (sq.m.)
I.C.U. 347,96
Surgeries 531,26
Septic surgery 376,38
Maternity 500,89
Administrative services-Medical records 541,53
Common spaces 62,54
Interdepartmental Circulation 263,64
Vertical E/M Facilitiy channels 43,54
Staircases-Elevators 38,96
1st FLOOR GRAND TOTAL 2.706,70

Operation Type Surface (sq.m.)
N.U. – Pathological Clinic 657,25
N.U. – Pediatric Clinic 315,64
N.U. –Obstetrical-Gynecology Clinic 332,73
Common spaces 147,60
Interdepartmental circulation 185,38
Vertical E/M facilitiy channels 44,89
Staircases-Elevators 39,26
2nd FLOOR GRAND TOTAL 1.722,75

Operation Type Surface (sq.m.)
N.U. – Pathology sector 620,03
N.U. –Surgical sector 630,05
Detainees 53,01
Interdepartmental circulation 184,64
Vertical E/M Facilitiy channels 44,89
Common spaces 113,29
Staircases-Elevators 39,26
3rd FLOOR GRAND TOTAL 1.685,17

Operation Type Surface (sq.m.)
Central E/M Facilities 1.188,01
Vertical E/M Facilitiy channels 44,98
Staircases-Elevators 39,46
4th FLOOR GRAND TOTAL 1.272,45